Questions Frequently Asked

Here you can look through just a few of the questions our loyal custmers have asked us.

What is FadeAway?
An engineered clear coat designed to restore color and seal the surface.
What can I use it on?
FadeAway can be used on metal, plastic, fiberglass and rubber. Use it to restore color and seal the surface.
Where can I buy it?
On our website or in several retail locations.
Can I buy it in a larger quantity than an aerosol can?
We currently only sell aerosol cans, but we will be rolling out bulk quantities such as gallons soon.
What if I get it on a surface that it’s not intended for such as glass?
FadeAway can be cleaned off surfaces it was not intended for using a claybar or a rag with paint thinner. The sooner it is removed the better.
How do I prep my surface to apply FadeAway?

  • 1.Pressure wash and steam clean desired surfaces
  • 2.DO NOT use wax or degreasers
  • 3.Use wax remover if surface has been waxed
  • 4.Wet sand Automotive, marine, RV and any other clear coated finishes before applying. Use 600 grit sandpaper

How long does it last?
The lifetime of FadeAway depends on the surface it’s applied on, as well as the conditions it is exposed to. FadeAway lasts longer than waxes, dressing, or other applications typically used for this.
Can I wax over it?
You can wax over it, but we do not recommend it. FadeAway seals and protects which eliminates the need for wax.
Where did the idea for FadeAway come from?
FadeAway was derived from a need to create something that was cost effective, as well as universal for restoring color.
Is FadeAway harmful to breath?
Yes, like most aerosols and paints FadeAway is harmful, and we recommend wearing a mask while using the product.
What should it not be used on?
We do not recommend using FadeAway on glass, surfaces with clearcoat still in tact, and any other surface not described on the can.
How do I apply it?

  • 1.Use even strokes
  • 2.Keep a wet edge
  • 3.Make sure to cover thoroughly

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